
Academic Research

Face Maker

This project presents a method for automatically generating 3D models of the human head using two images as input – a front view and a side view of the subject. Key facial landmarks are identified on the images, then used… Continue Reading →

Blend Shapes

This program demonstrates linear and hermite interpolation methods for blending two meshes. The program was written in C++ using the Maya API for a computer animation course at UCLA. Download paper

Lip Tracking

This project presents a method for tracking lips with the implementation of a dynamic programming snake. The program detects faces and mouths in a video frame and initializes the snake in close proximity to the mouth. In the current version… Continue Reading →

LA Racing Game

This game was developed in collaboration with Morgan Fryar, Hanan Kamal, and Monera Kamal for a computer graphics course at UCLA. The game is a race against the clock around the freeways of Los Angeles. You have 3 minutes to… Continue Reading →

JQH Arena Viewer

This application was developed as a research project for a Computer Graphics class at Missouri State University. A laser scanner was used to collect data points from JQH Arena at Missouri State, which were stored in text files and displayed… Continue Reading →

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